Sunday, May 2, 2010

Who is Jesus?

It is late, and I know I should be getting to sleep, but it has has been ages since I have last blogged and I feel now is as good of a time as any.

Today was VERY difficult. Sharing about who is Jesus, something supposed to be so easy, turned out to be extremely challenging. I was forced to think through everything I said today, and even then I know there were plenty of areas where I could be even more clear. During prayer on Friday Pastor Kwan said the simplest of things... Just stick to the Word. It is the Word that transforms lives not me. No matter how crazy complicated today was (even for me) I know I stuck to the Word of God. And if it was the Word that caused the issues in the minds of people, forcing them to stretch their understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ, then so be it, I have done my job well!

My prayer is for our Church. That they would follow Christ and no other. It may take time to lay down the idols that take the place of God in our lives, but that is what Grace is there for. Everyday is a gift, and every Sunday for that matter. I look forward to tomorrow, to know and receive the Word which God has given to Pastor Dean.